WEIGH IN 3/27/20
** Announcement **
Metal Mosh & Melee 2
“The Profights”
·Elimination fights 3 rounds / Championship Open 5 rounds
·90 seconds each
·60 second rest period
·2 Marshalls
·3 Ringside Judges
·1 Timekeeper
·10 point must system scoring ( think boxing/mma)
·If you win the first 3 rounds = TKO
·IMCF Weapons & Armor Requirements. As well as standards for illegal strikes (back of knee etc)
·Any legal weapon system is allowed.
·Opponents will NOT be matched by weapons (only by weight) Each fighter brings what they use best.
·3 second time to land legal strikes to the BODY of a downed opponent with single handed weapons only.
·HEAD strikes (above the chest) to a downed opponent are ILLEGAL.
·Ground Attacks with the edge of 2 handed weapons are ILLEGAL. Pommel strikes and strikes with limbs permitted.
Once registration opens, registered fighters will be matched in weight categories. The winner of each weight bracket will be eligible to enter the OPEN. Which will decide the Grand Champion.
If you fail to make weight:
A: your opponent may choose to take a forfeit victory
B: if your opponent elects to continue with the fight, you will be declared ineligible for any prizes, as well as ineligible to enter the Championship Open, regardless of how you place in your weight-class.