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This is the sixth and final match for the Iron Lions 1 and Iron Lions 2.
Come watch two of the Atlantic’s teams fight to see who is best in the region!
This is the sixth and final match for the Iron Lions 1 and Iron Lions 2.
Come watch two of the Atlantic’s teams fight to see who is best in the region!
03/28/2020 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Due to the current Covid19 virus health concerns we are cancelling for your safety.
07/12/2020 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm – The Knights are training! Come see them in the park as they practice their moves in padded armor.
05/29/2021 – 05/31/2021 @ All Day –
10/09/2021 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – This is the second match of the season for the Iron Lions 1 and the fourth for the Iron Lions 2! Come watch two of the Atlantic’s teams fight to see who is best in the region.