Our Fighter of the Month is Madison Hartke! Madison has been in the community for a few years, and within that time has not only improved as a fighter but also as a leader to buhurt peers and friends. Congratulations Madison! Notable Wins Tournament of the Tower: Gold (5s)Steel Angel […]
A very Happy New Year from Armored Combat Sports! It is time to kick off the New Year with a Fighter of the Month. Congratulations to McKenzie Karickhoff! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TRAINING FOR ARMORED COMBAT? I think five to six years maybe? DO YOU HAVE ANY BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE […]
This month, we are going to shine the spotlight on one of our rookie fighters Jamezie. Jamezie won this year’s Rookie Rumble, so it is fair we make a post about Jamezie and congratulate them on their achievement! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TRAINING FOR ARMORED COMBAT? I started soft […]
Looks like people wanted a tutorial on this topic, so here it goes. This kit got some attention at IMCF 2018 in Scone where I seemed to magically have what was needed at hand whenever it was needed. Here’s the kit I use and the modifications. Note that all links […]
It’s a brand new year and a whole new approach to learning combat! Come join us at The Knights Hall for what will certainly be a groundbreaking training opportunity! Your host, Cat Brooks, will not only be one of your instructors, giving the newest insights on throws and techniques through […]
“Armored Combat Sports” and “Coventry” have partnered for our tournament, “Blood & Steel”. Coventry, (a Live Action Role Playing Game), will have REAL Armored Combat as the Centerpiece for its next event. What mysteries and intrigue lay in wait we cannot say… No really! We’ve been asked not to say […]
Mountain Melee Championship – Sept 27 – Sept 29th Mountain Melee Championship developed through the inspirations of Lincoln Hawk. Lincoln Hawk first started his interest in Armored Combat about 5-6 years ago while attending the Irwindale, Ca Renaissance Fair. “From afar I heard the clashing of swords and metal.” said […]
We’re very excited to invite you to the ACS 1st Central Conference! The tournament will be held at the prestigious Fair Park venue in Dallas, Texas November 16th and 17th 2019. Over $2,500 in cash and prizes are up for grabs to the winning fighters and will be held in […]
(Meet The Support Team) Part 1 By Jana Brooks Fighters have a lot to think about. Diet, training, armor, armor upkeep, comportment on and off the field, getting to practice, juggling work/ life/ balance, worry of letting teammates down, making it to an event on time and the list goes […]
By Micah Joel There are two general requirements for a safe and protective helmet for any incarnation of medieval armored combat in the steel weapon-using leagues, commonly known as “bohurt,” “buhurt” (or some variation thereof), or simply “Steel,” or “Armored Combat” as it is generally known in the U.S. These […]