It’s a brand new year and a whole new approach to learning combat! Come join us at The Knights Hall for what will certainly be a groundbreaking training opportunity! Your host, Cat Brooks, will not only be one of your instructors, giving the newest insights on throws and techniques through […]
“Armored Combat Sports” and “Coventry” have partnered for our tournament, “Blood & Steel”. Coventry, (a Live Action Role Playing Game), will have REAL Armored Combat as the Centerpiece for its next event. What mysteries and intrigue lay in wait we cannot say… No really! We’ve been asked not to say […]
Mountain Melee Championship – Sept 27 – Sept 29th Mountain Melee Championship developed through the inspirations of Lincoln Hawk. Lincoln Hawk first started his interest in Armored Combat about 5-6 years ago while attending the Irwindale, Ca Renaissance Fair. “From afar I heard the clashing of swords and metal.” said […]
We’re very excited to invite you to the ACS 1st Central Conference! The tournament will be held at the prestigious Fair Park venue in Dallas, Texas November 16th and 17th 2019. Over $2,500 in cash and prizes are up for grabs to the winning fighters and will be held in […]
(Meet The Support Team) Part 1 By Jana Brooks Fighters have a lot to think about. Diet, training, armor, armor upkeep, comportment on and off the field, getting to practice, juggling work/ life/ balance, worry of letting teammates down, making it to an event on time and the list goes […]
(SCA- Society for Creative Anachronism) For the first time in SCA history they are going to try real Steel Fighting at one of their events. The following is a bulletin for the upcoming SCA/Pennsic event of steel fighting written by *Christian von Nurnberg, KSCA, MoD *Note, ( Christian von Nurnberg […]
By Josuha Kearney As a Medieval Combat instructor one of the biggest questions I get, and one of the easiest to answer, is, “What do I do to get in shape for a fight?” This question is so easy to answer but very few want to hear the answer. Why? […]
I’m not sure if I stole it, or if I actually coined the phrase, but with an influx of new guys to the Knights Hall armored combat program, I’ve been saying it a lot; “You got Helmet Horrors, dude. Don’t sweat it.” Most fighters in armor have had this feeling before. You’re […]
By Sloan Brooks My first experiences with armored combat was when I was 15 years old. It was only soft kit LARPING, but I loved it. I played with my older brother and all of his friends in the back yard and I got really good at it. Problem was, […]
An Introduction to Field Positions And Expectations: By Evan Ringo Evan Ringo, or just “Ringo” as he is known around the Hall, has been training at The Knights Hall, New Hampshire, since 2013. In 2014 he started fighting in armored combat and in 2015 he won the North American […]